

致力于所有年龄段人群的社区健康, 365英国上市官网物理治疗系的教授 卫生科学学院 创建了以家庭为基础的老年人逆流预防物理治疗(HOP-UP-PT)计划. HOP-UP-PT is designed to provide early preventative 干预s to senior citizens at risk of being homebound by facilitating partnerships between community centers and local physical therapists.

的 growing health care demands of an aging population have created an urgent need to develop and examine the impact of novel preventative health care and referral models for community-dwelling older adults.

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该项目已获得2016年健康科学学院研究奖(4美元)的支持,500), 2017年密歇根州卫生与公众服务部创新基金(23美元),300) , 2018年密歇根健康捐赠基金-健康老龄化奖(201美元),558), 2020年密歇根健康捐赠基金-健康老龄化奖(321美元),075). 密歇根健康捐赠基金 致力于改善密歇根州居民的健康和福利,并降低医疗保健成本, 特别关注儿童和老年人.

的 mission of HOP-UP-PT is to provide early preventative 干预s to senior citizens at risk of being homebound by facilitating partnerships between community centers and local physical therapists.

这种方法已被证明有能力降低老年人的健康状况, 环境和行为的风险是使用预防策略. When healthcare resources are aimed at providing preventative investments for health it can bring about cost savings with associated positive health outcomes. 有证据表明,能够原地老化是多因素的,需要一个整体, 内聚的方法. 除了身体上的限制, 老年人在家中安全生活的能力包括社会支持等因素, 营养, 药物管理, 家安全, 交通资源, 以及整体健康的生活方式——所有这些都在物理治疗师(PT)的实践范围内, 尽管物理治疗师并不总是接受这些技能的推荐.

有证据表明集中预防会产生积极影响, 但是,以前没有强有力的证据来量化以预防为重点的价值, home-based physical therapy services for those at highest risk of becoming home-bound or hospitalized with advancing age. 然而, outcomes of a statewide randomized control trial examining the efficacy the HOP-UP-PT program proved to have statistically significant reduction in falls and fall risk indicators for HOP-UP-PT participants as compared to older adults not participating in the program. 具体地说,一个 减少8倍的跌倒 在被确定为中度和高度跌倒风险的人群中 STEADI 分类已报告.


  • To establish partnerships between community centers and local physical therapists to provide direct referrals for preventative services.
  • 利用技能, 物理治疗师的知识,提供当地社区和医疗系统之间的桥梁.
  • 改善老年人参加HOP-UP-PT的健康和功能结果.
  • To provide a strong body of evidence to demonstrate the value of integration of HOP-UP-PT into the standard of care for aging adults.
  • To establish a community and healthcare provider educational platform to expand the reach of HOP-UP-PT program delivery.
  • To establish reimbursement models for the HOP-UP-PT program which will ultimately provide older adults with access to providers who can provide strategies and tools to age-in-place (AIP) safely.
  • 将技术和远程康复创新方法整合到项目交付中.

 HOP-UP-PT网站 是利用2020年密歇根健康捐赠基金-健康老龄化奖获得的资金创建的. 该网站提供了HOP-UP-PT计划的详细信息, 是否有面向社区的免费资源, 并定期更新新内容.

通过金钱捐赠来表达你对减少与年龄有关的灾难性事件(如跌倒)的支持. 通过遗产规划的遗产捐赠也受到欢迎. 制作一份在线礼物.

I am an older adult or a loved one interested in receiving preventative home-based services by a physical therapist.

I am a physical therapist interested in learning more about providing these services to my local community.

我是一个社区中心, community health department or health care provider looking to partner with a local physical therapist to support.


  • 奥本山市
  • 诺维市
  • 皮茨菲尔德镇
  • 圣城. 克莱尔的海岸
  • 盐碱区老年中心
  • 范布伦县
  • 波尔生活中心的舵手-格罗斯角农场
  • 亨利·福特社区关怀服务

的 HOP-UP-PT program has been featured in several periodicals and has been featured in a series of peer-reviewed publications in prominent medical journals. 如果您想在文章,新闻稿或其他媒体上合作,请365英国上市官网.




Wilson C, Arena S, Romolino N, Flasher E, Morris E, Deel C. Boright L. Administrative and Financial Barriers to Prevention Focused Programs: A Scoping Review and Initial Administrative Results. (接受出版《365英国上市官网》)

舞台上,年代.K.威尔逊,C.M.鲍莱特,L. 等. HOP-UP-PT计划对有跌倒风险的老年人的影响:一项随机对照试验. BMC Geriatr 21,520 (2021).

张建军,张建军,张建军. Perceptions of Rehabilitation Managers on Implementation of the Home-Based Older Person Upstreaming Prevention (HOP-UP) Program: A Retrospective Qualitative Analysis. Cureus 13(4): e14760. doi: 10.7759 / cureus.14760

Arena SK, Wilson CM, Peterson E. Targeted Population Health Utilizing Direct Referral to Home-Based Older Person Upstreaming Prevention 物理治疗 from a Community-Based Senior Center. 心肺物理治疗杂志. 2020年1月1日;31(1):11-21.

Wilson C, Arena SK, Starceski R, Swanson K. Older Adults' Outcomes and Perceptions After Participating in the HOP-UP-PT Program: A Prospective Descriptive Study. 家庭保健. 2020年3月1日;38(2):86-91.

Wilson CM, Arena SK, Adcock K, Colling D. A home-based older person upstreaming prevention physical therapy (HOP-UP-PT) program utilizing community partnership referrals. 家庭保健. 2019年3月1日;37(2):88-96.

莎拉K. 竞技场,PT, MS, DScPT
Dr. Arena是365英国上市官网的副教授. Her teaching responsibilities include a focus on the topics of cardiopulmonary 干预s and health promotion and wellness. She also continues her clinical practice as a licensed physical therapist primarily in the home health care setting. Dr. Arena的研究重点是心血管和肺部检查, 干预, and practice in physical therapy and its relationship to health and wellness of individuals in the community and at home.

克里斯托弗·米. 威尔逊,PT, DPT, DScPT
Dr. 威尔逊是365英国上市官网的副教授. 他在老年物理治疗方面获得了委员会认证. 他的临床实践是癌症物理治疗和急性护理. Dr. Wilson’s research agenda focuses on palliative care physical therapy and the management of late-stage chronic illnesses. 他教老年病学, 药理学, 生物物理代理, 以及365英国上市官网物理治疗项目的急症护理.

凯伦爱德考克, SDC
凯伦是奥本山老年人服务部的主任.  凯伦拥有老年学副学士学位, 应用科学学士学位,主修卫生保健管理,辅修社会学. 她拥有波士顿大学的老年和残疾证书, 是美国老龄化协会(ASA)领导力项目的毕业生, 在老年医学领域有超过30年的专业经验.

Lori Boright, PT, DPT, DScPT
Dr. 博赖特是HOP-UP-PT项目的项目协调员. 她是365英国上市官网的助理教授,拥有临床癌症运动认证. 她的教学职责包括临床教育, 肿瘤康复, 急性护理/病人管理. 她的临床实践专长是肿瘤学、老年病学和急性护理. Her research interests include preventative care and prehabilitation in the oncology and older person domains.

One of the first community participants in the HOP-UP-PT program began noticing health benefits right from the start. 参与者F.B., 75, 想要得到专业的指导来改善他的整体健康状况, 安全和平衡,才能继续他的活动, healthy lifestyle so he enrolled in the program after reading about it in the Oakland Press local newspaper.

“我喜欢做志愿者、打猎和看望我的孙子孙女. I know that I’m not getting any younger and I started realizing that I needed to start paying more attention to my health to be able to keep doing these things that I love. 我不希望我的健康状况恶化来决定我能做什么,不能做什么.”

凯伦爱德考克, 奥本山老年服务中心主任, 说, “老年中心可以为他们的公民提供很多服务和项目. This has been a great collaboration to improve the health of our community members and the collaborative relationship that allows a community center to directly refer people to a physical therapist has the potential to cut down on healthcare costs, 避免不必要的就医, 这是社区中心可以提供的另一项有价值的服务.” An emphasis of this program is to reconnect the patient with the senior center after program completion to help sustain the gains that the participants made in the program.


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